De Waal

 ¿Qué ver en De waal, Kinderdijk?

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Kinderdijk is a UNESCO World Heritage Site located in the Netherlands, specifically in the village of De Waal. It is famous for its 19 iconic windmills, which were built in the 18th century to pump water out of the low-lying polder landscape.

The official website for Kinderdijk is

The entrance fee for Kinderdijk is € 10 for adults and € 6 for children aged 4-12. Children under the age of 4 can enter for free.

The opening hours for Kinderdijk vary depending on the season. From March to October, Kinderdijk is open from 9:00am to 5:30pm. From November to February, it is open from 10:00am to 4:00pm.

In addition to the windmills, visitors can also explore the Kinderdijk Museum, which is located in the former living quarters of a miller and his family. The museum offers insights into the daily life of a miller in the 1950s.

Outside of Kinderdijk, visitors can also explore the nearby city of Rotterdam, which is known for its modern architecture and vibrant cultural scene. The Rotterdam Zoo is also a popular attraction, as is the nearby city of Dordrecht, which is one of the oldest cities in the Netherlands.

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